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Finishing the project

Image by Markus Spiske

We are finishing the project and this web-site will not be updated after 31 December 2022, but it will stay online during the next five years and the communication service at will also stay intact.


Thanks to all visitors for being with us and following the updates during the time of project implementation during 2000-2022.

With collegial and friendly best wishes,


Your SPOT coordination team and the whole consortium

Project news

About the project

Horizon 2020 SPOT - Ambition

Europe is a key cultural tourism destination thanks to a remarkable cultural heritage that includes museums, theatres, archaeological sites, historical cities and industrial sites as well as music and gastronomy. The EU-funded SPOT project aims to develop a new approach to understanding and addressing cultural tourism and to promote the development of disadvantaged areas. Specifically, it will identify different layers of data and capitalise on existing practice.

Cultural tourism has traditionally focused upon visiting “high art” museums and galleries. Our model of cultural tourism, by contrast, reflects a massive widening of cultural tourism that more accurately reflects patterns of travel in the 21st century and digital revolution in travel as a way of accessing culture. This revolution has widened the meaning of culture to include landscape, media, ethnic cultures, gastronomy and amateur as well as professional collections. It reflects popular culture as well as high culture and therefore massively extends the reach of cultural tourism.  SPOT will be the first attempt ever to capture this widened concept of cultural tourism on an international and comparative basis across Europe. 



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SPOT consortium


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme for research and innovation under grant agreement no. 870644

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