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EU stakeholders level - leaflet
Newsletter II
Local Stakeholders level - leaflet
Newsletter III

Media Tourism and Doune Magazine


The Borders Magazine


MENDELU Newsletter - MENDELU will coordinate for the first time prestigious H2020 project SPOT


MENDELU team will be leading a huge international project focusing on Cultural tourism. (page 42-43)


MENDEL University wants to attract tourists to the periphery of South Moravia. Scientists from 15 countries, including Israel are involved in the Cultural Tourism SPOT project. 

Dissemination materials

ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY - 'Visitors to the Great Tapestry of Scotland and its impact: a new kind of community heritage' magazine

Prof Milada Stastna interview regarding SPOT project by ČRo Plus
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Professor Milada Šťastná participated in an audio live streaming interview about the SPOT research project on Czech Radio Plus, in a 60-day session.

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Prof. Milada Šťastná presented the SPOT project H2020 within the live streaming program "Events in Regions" (Brno), prepared by the Czech Television.

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Czech national TV ČT1 recorded the information about SPOT project, including field work of two Czech team members during the cultural event in Velké Bílovice (the South Moravian region) on 14.9.2020 where the first experiences of impact of Covid-19 were shered by the local stakeholders, especially wine producers.


Article: University of Graz - You can find the whole article in GEOGRAZ in German language by clicking on the link.


Social Media: University of Graz - Grazer Integrative Geographie Facebook page

The SPOT project and Italian case study have been presented in the format La RICERCA continua all'Università di Verona nonostante l'emergenza Covid that is curated by the University of Verona Communication team to show how the research is going to be carried on, despite and through the pandemic.


MENDELU has published a special issue of the international scientific journal European Countryside, which has been devoted to rural cultural tourism. Among others, the following article devoted particularly to SPOT has been published

Šťastná, M. - Vaishar, A. - Ryglová, K. - Rašovská, I. - Zámečník, S.: Cultural Tourism as a Possible Driver of Rural Development in the Czech Republic. Wine Tourism in Moravia as a Case Study. European Countryside. 2020. vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 292 - 311. Doi: 10.2478/euco-2020-0017.

The report responded to the COVID 19 pandemic has been submitted and already accepted for publishing to the journal Current Issues in Tourism (CIT-7769.R1):

Vaishar, A., Šťastná, M.: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on rural tourism in Czechia. Preliminary considerations. Current Issues in Tourism. 2020 (in print)

The preparation of a Special Issue in the Sustainability journal continues, together with other projects of the HORIZON 2020 program focused on tourism. MENDELU has submitted a contribution:

Šťastná, M., Vaishar, A., Brychta, J., Tuzová, K., Zloch, J., Stodolová, V.: Cultural tourism as a driver of rural development: Case study Southern Moravia. Sustainability. DOWNLOAD

Another paper in print:

Vaishar, A., Šťastná M., Zapletalová, J., Nováková, E. Is the European countryside depopulating? Case study Moravia. Journal of Rural Studies. 2020, in print

The extended version of the presented paper was published by IGAR team in one of GEOLOLINK conference’s ISI indexed volumes:

Mitrică B., Mocanu I., Grigorescu I., Dumitrașcu M. (2020), Cultural tourism in Romania – a general outline of the conceptual framework, Proceedings of the GEOLINKS Conference Vision for new horizons. International Conference on Environmental Sciences, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 5-7 October 2020, Book 2, Vol. 2, Section Green Design and Sustainable Architecture, 283-296. DOWNLOAD

Terkenli T. S., Georgoula V. (2022) ‘The COVID-19 pandemic in the Cyclades: patterns and prospects in cultural tourism’, Journal of Tourism, Culture and Communication, Special Issue of: Cultural Tourism Dynamics During a Pandemic,


Terkenli T. S., Georgoula V. (2022) ‘Tourism and Cultural Sustainability: Views and Prospects from Cyclades, Greece’. Sustainability. 14(1):307.


Terkenli, T. S., & Georgoula, V. (2022). ‘Local Perspectives on Cultural Tourism and Cultural Sustainability: The Case of the Cyclades, Greece’, Chapter 15, Handbook of Research on Cultural Tourism and Sustainability, pp.323-348,  IGI Global, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9217-5.ch015


Complex research in Hungary: The effect of COVID-19 on the tourist consumer behaviour of the Hungarian population


The research consists of 2 parts, on the one hand a literature review and on the other hand an online questionnaire . The survey ran from late April to early June 2020 and a total number of respondents were 736. Tourism comprises around 10% of the hungarian GDP, therefore it is important to examine the current changes. The experts agreed that, the coronavirus pandemic is not only a crisis, but also a chance.

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Podcast of the University of Graz team


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme for research and innovation under grant agreement no. 870644

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