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CERS Institute for Regional Studies, Győr, Hungary


Assoc. Prof. Tamás Hardi, Ph.D.



The Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, under the umbrella of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, is a legal entity consisting of three institutes: The Institute of Economics, the Institute for Regional Studies and the Institute of World Economics. The total manpower of the research centre consists of more than 200 employees, while alone in the Institute for Regional Studies there are more than 60 available researchers.


The research centre conducts theoretical and empirical studies in the field of economy, world economics, regional processes and in other interdisciplinary areas of social sciences. The Institute of Regional Studies focuses on the spatial aspects of innovation, local and regional economic development and formulates research-based policy recommendations. The Institute explores the process of modernisation across the settlement networks, conducts research into local development and cross-border socioeconomic cooperation. It employs a wide range of specialists including economists, geographers, political scientists, sociologists and law scholars. The Institute is also engaged in the development of scientific tools needed for quality research and of databases for various regional research projects. Its additional activities include participation in bachelor and master level university training programs and in the development of the curricula connected with the areas of science in which the centre operates. The dissemination and publication of the research findings of the Institute take place on a regular basis.


Scientific team


Assoc. prof. Tamás Hardi, Ph.D., (M) Head of the West Hungarian Research Department; senior research fellow (RKI) / lecturer and guest lecturer at Széchenyi University in GyÅ‘r (political geography, urban ecology) and at Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre (geography of tourism; cross-border cooperation)


Education: graduated in Biology and Geography teaching with tourism specialization (MA) and tourism management.


Expertise: political geography (cross-border contacts, development); urban and regional development (urban sprawl, suburbanization, rural depopulation, urban ecology) in Central and Southeast Europe


Prof. Irén Szörényiné Kukorelli DSc., (F) scientific advisor / professor (Széchenyi István University, GyÅ‘r) Education: graduated in mathematics and geography teaching at ELTE Faculty of Natural Sciences (MSc), professor of social geography


Expertise: sustainable rural development, rural geography, local economic development


Prof. Szörényiné Kukorelli Irén has more than 25 years old scientific and practical activity in the field of sustainable rural development. Her Hungarian and international publication activity is rich with five books, and more than 60 chapters of books and papers. She is the manager of rural projects in the institute for 25 years. inter alia she was the project manager of implemented Leonardo projects, like Observatory, Euro-Validation, Eco-route, E-ruralnet, Aspis and Involen.


Honvári Patrícia, (F) junior research fellow / PhD candidate


Education: graduated in international relations at Corvinus University of Budapest, Faculty of Social Sciences (MSc), PhD student at the Széchenyi István University, Doctoral School of Regional and Economic Sciences


Expertise: social and economic challenges of rural areas, rural/regional development, sustainable development


Other staff: Mária Kasztnerné KÅ‘műves (F) (administrative person); ext. researcher

                   Marcell Kupi (F) PhD student


Participation in European/FP and other related projects


H2020 (2016): Nature-based Urban Innovation (NATURAVTION) (H2020 SCC-03-2016)


Smart Communities Virtual Education and Research and Development and Innovation Network in the Slovakian-Hungarian Border Region (2017); Interreg V-A Slovakia Hungary Cross Border Cooperation Programme


LLP Grundtvig (2012): Intergenerational Learning for Nature Conservation Volunteers (527670-LLP-1-2012-1-GR-GRUNDTVIG-GMP INVOLEN)


AGGLONET (2009) Hungarian-Slovak agglomeration in the surroundings of Bratislava - Network for public service development in the cross-border suburban areas of Bratislava. Interreg Hungary–Slovakia Cross-border Cooperation program 2007–2013. HUSK/0801/1.5.1/0007 (project leader)


LLP KA3 (2009): Auditing the Sustainability of Public Spaces (ASPIS) (505551-LLP-1-2009-GR-KA3-KA3MP)


EMRA (2009): European Masters Programme for Rural Animators (503008-LLP-1-2009-1-PL-ERASMUS-ECDSP)


Main tasks and interest in this project

  • WP leader of WP4 (Dissemination)

  • Participating in WP1, WP2, WP3 and management WP5

  • Theoretical questions of the cross-border tourism based on the cultural heritage

  • In charge for the Hungarian case study

  • Hosting of one expert workshop


Case Study 5: Komarom region (Hungary/Slovakia). This looks at the communities of ethnic Hungarians straddling the border with Slovakia. It involves the historic fortifications and castles of this border zone and the interrelationships of communities on both sides of the river border.




This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme for research and innovation under grant agreement no. 870644

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