Οn June 13-15, 2022, the University of the Aegean team hosted the SPOT consortium meeting on the island of Syros, one of the islands of our UAegean case study. During the first two days of the project meeting (June 13 and 14), the consortium drafted the next steps towards the completion of SPOT project work and deliverables. Specifically, the primary purpose of the meeting was to prepare clear formulations of recommendations to EU stakeholders dealing with Cultural Tourism (CT) for the forthcoming policy roundtable organized by EU officers in Brussels. The meeting also focused on formulating the main messages, recommendations and results of the SPOT project for relevant actors and involved stakeholders at the national, regional and local levels.
On the 15th of June, the University of the Aegean team organized a half-day symposium dedicated to the island of Syros and the Cyclades. In the first part of the symposium, the outcomes of SPOT project work undertaken by the University of the Aegean team were presented, followed by a discussion on both the project outcomes and cultural tourism future visions for the case study region. In the second part of the symposium, three invited distinguished scholars on the Cyclades and Syros– Joseph Stefanou, Professor Emeritus, National Technical University of Athens and Head of the Syros Institute; Kenneth Olwig, Professor Emeritus, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; and Martin Engi, Professor Emeritus, University of Bern, participated a round-table panel discussion focused on the island's and the region's culture, history and physical environment.
The event was sponsored by SPOT and the Municipality of Syros, and widely publicised in Syros. It was streamlined on YouTube and open to the general public.