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The challenges of urban tourism in the pandemic times in the City Municipality of Ljubljana


The challenges of urban tourism in the pandemic times on the case study of the City Municipality of Ljubljana

On Friday, September 17th, 2021, the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy of University of Ljubljana hosted the 32nd Sedlar's conference. This is the annual conference of Slovene Town and Spatial Planning Association of Slovenia. This year's conference was titled »Urban planning through the prism of pandemics – challenges and guidelines«, so the speakers elaborated, reflected and presented the results of the research focuses on the pandemic impacts on the space (urban, rural, suburban). Assistant Professor Naja Marot from the Department of the Landscape Architecture talked about the city of Ljubljana and the impacts of urban tourism on the city before and during the pandemics, specifically. Together with the colleagues she presented the outcomes of the interviews with the tourism suppliers in the year 2020 (project MESTUR, financed by the Slovenian Research Agency) and the survey with the tourists, queried in the summer 2020 in the project SPOT (horizon 2020). The conference wrapped up with the conclusions about the adaptation of the spatial and urban planning in the times between and after the crises, such as the pandemic one is.

“Izzivi mestnega turizma v času pandemije na primeru Mestne občine Ljubljana”

V petek, 17. 9. 2021, je na Fakulteti za gradbeništvo in geodezijo Univerze v Ljubljani, pod okriljem Društva urbanistov in prostorskih planerjev Slovenije, potekalo 32. Sedlarjevo srečanje. Tokratno srečanje je bilo naslovljeno »Urbanistično načrtovanje skozi prizmo pandemije - izzivi in predlogi«, kjer so govorci v svojih prispevkih predstavili razmisleke in rezultate raziskav o učinkih pandemije na prostor (mestni, podeželski, suburbani). Doc. dr. Naja Marot z Oddelka za krajinsko arhitekturo je predstavila posledice mestnega turizma na mesto Ljubljana pred in med pandemijo. Predstavila je izsledke intervjujev, izvedenih s turističnimi ponudniki v letu 2020 v okviru projekta MESTUR (ARRS), in ankete s turisti, anketiranimi poleti 2020 v projektu SPOT (Obzorje 2020). Dogodek se je končal s sklepi na temo prilagoditev prostorskega in urbanističnega načrtovanja v času med in po krizi, kot je pandemična.


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme for research and innovation under grant agreement no. 870644

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