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ToSEE – Tourism in Southern and Eastern Europe


Researchers from the Biotechnical faculty, Department of Landscape Architecture attended the scientific conference ToSEE – Tourism in Southern and Eastern Europe (, this year subtitled as ToSEE – Smart, Experience, Excellence and ToFEEL – Feelings, Excitement, Education, Leisure. The conference was organised in a hybrid form in Opatija, Croatia, by the Faculty of Tourism Hospitality Management at the University of Rijeka. David Klepej presented the paper “Urban Tourism and its Consideration in Strategic Spatial Planning in Selected Middle-Sized Central European Cities” and Naja Marot described the “Supply-Side Implications of COVID-19 Pandemic for Urban Tourism in the Middle-Sized European Cities”. The first presentation derives from the analysis of the territorial governance of tourism in the Central European cities, performed in the frame of the MESTUR project (, which is financed by the Slovenian Research Agency. The second presentation focused on the response of the tourism providers on the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, done in the project SPOT, financed by the Horizon 2020 programme.

Raziskovalci Oddelka za krajinsko arhitekturo so se udeležili znanstvene konference ToSEE – Turizem v Južni in Vzhodni Evropi (, letos podnaslovljene ToSEE - "Smart, Experience, Excellence" (v prevodu pametno, izkušnje in odličnost) in ToFEEL – "Feelings, Excitement, Education, Leisure" (v prevodu občutki, navdušenje, izobraževanje in prosti čas), ki je bila v organizaciji Fakultete za turizem Univerze v Reki hibridno izvedena v Opatiji na Hrvaškem. David Klepej je predstavil prispevek "Mestni turizem in njegova vključitev v strateško prostorsko načrtovanje na primeru izbranih srednjeevropskih mest", Naja Marot pa "Posledice COVID-19 pandemije na mestni turizem v srednje velikih evropskih mestih". Prvi prispevek je temeljil na rezultatih analize prostorskega upravljanja turizma v srednjeevropskih mestih, opravljene v okviru temeljnega raziskovalnega projekta MESTUR (, financiranega s strani ARRS; v drugem pa so raziskovalci opisali odziv turističnih ponudnikov na krizo panoge zaradi pandemije COVID-19. To analizo so opravili v projektu SPOT (, financiranim iz programa Obzorje 2020.




This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme for research and innovation under grant agreement no. 870644

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