Between 21st to 23rd of November the thematic group of Urban Spotters met in Barcelona. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the activities in the SPOT project and to get acquainted with the case study of Barcelona. Participants presented the cities of Barcelona, Ljubljana, Nitra and Narva, their characteristics as urban destinations, their measures to address the COVID-19 situation and strategic approach to the management of urban tourism. As part of the field trip we have visited Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau and Casa Batllo. Both visits exampled new digital experience of cultural tourism.

Pic1: Urban Spotters meetup in Barcelona (photo: Saara Mildeberg)

Pic2: Presentation of the four case studies of urban destinations (Photo: Manca Krošelj)

Pic3: Discussion on whiteboard (Photo: Saara Mildeberg)