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Workshop in Romania


Between May 11th and 13th, 2022, SPOT Workshop 4 within WP 2 took place in Romania. Workshop 4 had two parts. One Whole Day Workshop in Bucharest with the participation of all SPOT members in hybrid format (May 11th) and two-days field trip in the IGAR study area (May 12th-13th).

During the Whole Day Workshop, a series of issues related to the relationship between cultural tourism and local stakeholders were addressed: What do we want from Stakeholders? What can we offer Stakeholders? How can we help empower local communities? Place Identity and Appreciation of “Otherness”.

During the two-days field trip, the onsite participants in Workshop 4 had the opportunity to learn about some of the sights that define the tangible and intangible cultural heritage in the IGAR study area (Buzău Carpathians and Subcarpathians):

May 12th - Sărata Monteoru – Ulmet Rock Formations – Pătârlagele Research Station - Aluniș Cave Churches – Colți Amber Museum - Pietroasa Viticulture Research Station (wine tasting) - Sărata Monteoru

May 13th - Sărata Monteoru – Ciolanu Monastery – Măgura Sculpture Camp-Mud Volcanoes – Gabioti Traditional Store – Buzău County Council

The workshop concluded with a meeting at the Buzau County Council where national, regional and local stakeholders discussed with the SPOT project members about the role of stakeholders and researchers/academics in the development and promotion of cultural tourism in the study area.

The workshop benefited from the support of the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration through the Priority Area 3 - Culture, tourism and people contacts within the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) and Buzău County Council.




This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme for research and innovation under grant agreement no. 870644

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